Sunday, October 18, 2009

And her name should be . . .

So, since my wife's blog just a few moments ago gave me a pseudo name, allow me to do her the same honor.
She deserves such a wonderful name, like Feena, the Brown Warrior. But somehow, I can forsee in the future loathing blogging if I always have to include such a long name, despite how well it fits.
She frequently wears black pointy high heels with a black wrap-dress, and says that she is the "Black Witch". But, she's brown!
What to call such a special girl? Originally, I thought that since her name for me is e-Spanish, she should get a beautiful name from the land of the morning calm: 이삼순 (Lee, Sam-soon) It was either going to be Sam-soon, or Ji-eun, and since there are so many Ji-euns in the world, and only one Sam-soon in existence, I think it only fair that the most unique and special rose of a wife of mine should get a unique name.
Now, I will say that a name like "Fabalicious" did come to mind, but that is just too out there for my tastes.
It needs to be special, yet simple. Crazy, yet tasteful. Delicious, yet perky. That's it! I've got it: Febbie; Febbie the Freaking Fabulous!!!
Here's to you Febbie!
With MUCH Love,
Your Husbandcito

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